Personal Neovim configuration of Lukas Reineke, author of many excellent Neovim plugins. Requires an externally installed lua-language-server
and efm-langserver
- Install and initialize:
lazyman -w Lukas
- Configuration category: Personal
- Base configuration: Custom
- Plugin manager: Packer
- Installation location:
Git repository
Packer managed plugins
Lukas Keymaps
Normal mode keymaps
Description | |
Left hand side | k |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'luasnip'.jump(-1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | j |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'luasnip'.jump(1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | gl |
Right hand side | :diffget //3<CR> :diffupdate<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | gh |
Right hand side | :diffget //2<CR> :diffupdate<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | gn |
Right hand side | :lua require('lists').change_active('Quickfix')<CR>:Git mergetool<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | gg |
Right hand side | :lua require('lists').change_active('Quickfix')<CR>:execute 'Git difftool ' .. g:git_base<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | gc |
Right hand side | :0Gclog<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | ga |
Right hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gu |
Right hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterUndoHunk) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gm |
Right hand side | <Plug>(git-messenger) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gs |
Right hand side | :Git<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | gb |
Right hand side | :Git blame<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | gr |
Right hand side | :Gread<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | gd |
Right hand side | :set nosplitright<CR>:execute 'Gvdiff ' .. g:git_base<CR>:set splitright<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | f |
Right hand side | :lua require('fuzzy').symbols()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | m |
Right hand side | :Marks<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-H> |
Right hand side | :Helptags<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-P> |
Right hand side | :Commands<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | p |
Right hand side | :Buffers<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | n |
Right hand side | :lua require('fuzzy').files(vim.fn.expand('%:h'))<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | gf |
Right hand side | :lua require('fuzzy').git_files()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | a |
Right hand side | :lua require('lists').change_active('Quickfix')<CR>:silent grep |
Description | |
Left hand side | b |
Right hand side | :lua require('lists').toggle_active()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | v |
Right hand side | <Plug>(qf_loc_toggle_stay):lua require('lists').change_active('Location')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | c |
Right hand side | <Plug>(qf_qf_toggle_stay):lua require('lists').change_active('Quickfix')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | dl |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | dk |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | dj |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | dh |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | d<CR> |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | dp |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | di |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | do |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | dB |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | db |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | dc |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | td |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | tf |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | ts |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | to |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | tt |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | ll |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | e |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | oa |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require('orgmode').action('agenda.prompt')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | of |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require('orgmode').action('capture.prompt')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | N |
Right hand side | :e %:h/ |
Description | |
Left hand side | rr |
Right hand side | :%s/\v() |
Description | |
Left hand side | z |
Right hand side | 1z= |
Description | |
Left hand side | w |
Right hand side | :update<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | q |
Right hand side | :lua require 'buffers'.close()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-O> |
Right hand side | :lua require 'buffers'.close_others()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | |
Right hand side | :<C-U>exe v:count ? v:count . 'b' : 'b' . (bufloaded(0) ? '#' : 'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | # |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | % |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward) |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Left hand side | & |
Right hand side | :&&<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | '[ |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Goto("prev", "line", "alpha")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | '] |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Goto("next", "line", "alpha")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | * |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-*)N |
Description | |
Left hand side | - |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-10> |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteUnjoinAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-9> |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteUnjoinBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-8> |
Right hand side | <Plug>VimwikiDecrementListItem |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-7> |
Right hand side | <Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-6> |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaSingleQuoteBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-5> |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaSingleQuoteAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-4> |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-3> |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-2> |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteLineBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt>CLEAR-1> |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteLineAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | F |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-F) |
Description | |
Left hand side | H |
Right hand side | ^ |
Description | |
Left hand side | J |
Right hand side | 5j |
Description | |
Left hand side | K |
Right hand side | 5k |
Description | |
Left hand side | L |
Right hand side | $ |
Description | |
Left hand side | N |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-N) |
Description | |
Left hand side | T |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-T) |
Description | |
Left hand side | Y |
Right hand side | y$ |
Description | |
Left hand side | [= |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#marker#Goto("prev", "any", v:count)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | [- |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#marker#Goto("prev", "same", v:count)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | [` |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Goto("prev", "spot", "pos")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | [' |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Goto("prev", "line", "pos")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | [% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | \<lt>Space>tt |
Right hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-tableize) |
Description | |
Left hand side | \<lt>Space>tm |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#Toggle()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]= |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#marker#Goto("next", "any", v:count)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]- |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#marker#Goto("next", "same", v:count)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]` |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Goto("next", "spot", "pos")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]' |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Goto("next", "line", "pos")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | `[ |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Goto("prev", "spot", "alpha")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | `] |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Goto("next", "spot", "alpha")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | b |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b |
Description | |
Left hand side | dm |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#utils#Remove(v:count)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | e |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e |
Description | |
Left hand side | f |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-f) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gs. |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserDotCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsK |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserTitleKebabCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gs- |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserKebabCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsk |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserKebabCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gs |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserSpaceCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gss |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserSentenceCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gst |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserTitleCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsU |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserUpperCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsu |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserUpperCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gs_ |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserSnakeCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsc |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserCamelCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsm |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserMixedCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gPP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gPp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gpP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gpp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gUP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gUp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gQP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gQp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gqP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteQueriedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gqp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteQueriedAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gQBP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gQBp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gqbP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteDelimitedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gqbp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteDelimitedAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gBP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteJaggedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gBp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteJaggedAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteSpacedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsp |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserMixedCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | g#P |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommentedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | g#p |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommentedAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | g>P |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteShiftedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | g>p |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteShiftedAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | g[[P |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteLessIndentBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | g[[p |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteLessIndentAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | g]]P |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteMoreIndentBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | g]]p |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteMoreIndentAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | g[p |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | g[P |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | g]P |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | g,"P |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaDoubleQuoteBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | g,"p |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaDoubleQuoteAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gbP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteBlockBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gbp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteBlockAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gcP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCharBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | gcp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCharAfter |
Description | Comment insert end of line |
Left hand side | gcA |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment insert above |
Left hand side | gcO |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment insert below |
Left hand side | gco |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle current block |
Left hand side | gbc |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle current line |
Left hand side | gcc |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise |
Left hand side | gb |
Right hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise) |
Description | Comment toggle linewise |
Left hand side | gc |
Right hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise) |
Description | |
Left hand side | g% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gx |
Right hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gk |
Right hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterPrevHunk) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gj |
Right hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterNextHunk) |
Description | |
Left hand side | g* |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-g*)N |
Description | |
Left hand side | gck |
Right hand side | m'yypgcc`' |
Description | |
Left hand side | glP |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedBefore |
Description | |
Left hand side | glp |
Right hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedAfter |
Description | |
Left hand side | gr |
Right hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterOperator |
Description | |
Left hand side | grR |
Right hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterLine |
Description | |
Left hand side | grr |
Right hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterLine |
Description | |
Left hand side | g- |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | ge |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ge |
Description | |
Left hand side | j |
Right hand side | v:count ? (v:count > 5 ? "m'" . v:count : '') . 'j' : 'gj' |
Description | |
Left hand side | k |
Right hand side | v:count ? (v:count > 5 ? "m'" . v:count : '') . 'k' : 'gk' |
Description | |
Left hand side | m? |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#marker#List(v:count, 0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | m/ |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#List(0, 0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | m<BS> |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#marker#Purge()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | m |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Purge("all")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | m- |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Purge("line")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | m. |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#ToggleAtLine()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | m, |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#mark#Toggle("next")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | m |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call signature#utils#Input()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | n |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-n) |
Description | |
Left hand side | srb |
Right hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-replace-auto) |
Description | |
Left hand side | sr |
Right hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-replace) |
Description | |
Left hand side | sdb |
Right hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-delete-auto) |
Description | |
Left hand side | sd |
Right hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-delete) |
Description | |
Left hand side | sa |
Right hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-add) |
Description | |
Left hand side | t |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-t) |
Description | |
Left hand side | w |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w |
Description | |
Left hand side | x |
Right hand side | "_x |
Description | |
Left hand side | y<C-G> |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call setreg(v:register, fugitive#Object(@%))<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-sort) |
Right hand side | :call tablemode#spreadsheet#Sort('')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-echo-cell) |
Right hand side | :call tablemode#spreadsheet#EchoCell()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-eval-formula) |
Right hand side | :call tablemode#spreadsheet#formula#EvaluateFormulaLine()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-add-formula) |
Right hand side | :call tablemode#spreadsheet#formula#Add()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-insert-column-after) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#InsertColumn(1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-insert-column-before) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#InsertColumn(0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-delete-column) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#DeleteColumn()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-delete-row) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#DeleteRow()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-motion-right) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#Motion('l')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-motion-left) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#Motion('h')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-motion-down) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#Motion('j')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-motion-up) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#Motion('k')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-realign) |
Right hand side | :call tablemode#table#Realign('.')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-tableize) |
Right hand side | :Tableize<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-literal-query-a) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('n', 'a', {}, []) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-literal-query-i) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('n', 'i', {}, []) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-a) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('n', 'a') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-i) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('n', 'i') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-a) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#auto('n', 'a') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-i) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#auto('n', 'i') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-replace-auto) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-release-count)<Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-a) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-delete-auto) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-release-count)<Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-a) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-replace) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-release-count)<Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-a) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-delete) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-release-count)<Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-a) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-add) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-gv) |
Right hand side | gv |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Right hand side | g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace-visualrepeat) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#visualrepeat('replace')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete-visualrepeat) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#visualrepeat('delete')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add-visualrepeat) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#visualrepeat('add')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-dot) |
Right hand side | operator#sandwich#dot() |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-predot) |
Right hand side | operator#sandwich#predot() |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace-query1st) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#query1st('replace', 'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add-query1st) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#query1st('add', 'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace-pre) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#prerequisite('replace', 'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete-pre) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#prerequisite('delete', 'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add-pre) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#prerequisite('add', 'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace-pre)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete-pre)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add-pre)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(qf_qf_switch) |
Right hand side | &filetype ==# 'qf' ? '<C-W>p' : '<C-W>b' |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(qf_loc_toggle_stay) |
Right hand side | :<C-U> call qf#toggle#ToggleLocWindow(1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(qf_loc_toggle) |
Right hand side | :<C-U> call qf#toggle#ToggleLocWindow(0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(qf_qf_toggle_stay) |
Right hand side | :<C-U> call qf#toggle#ToggleQfWindow(1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(qf_qf_toggle) |
Right hand side | :<C-U> call qf#toggle#ToggleQfWindow(0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(qf_loc_next) |
Right hand side | :<C-U> call qf#wrap#WrapCommand('down', 'l')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(qf_loc_previous) |
Right hand side | :<C-U> call qf#wrap#WrapCommand('up', 'l')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(qf_qf_next) |
Right hand side | :<C-U> call qf#wrap#WrapCommand('down', 'c')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(qf_qf_previous) |
Right hand side | :<C-U> call qf#wrap#WrapCommand('up', 'c')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>QfSwitch |
Right hand side | &filetype ==# 'qf' ? '<C-W>p' : '<C-W>b' |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>QfLtoggle |
Right hand side | <Plug>(qf_loc_toggle) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>QfCtoggle |
Right hand side | <Plug>(qf_qf_toggle) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>QfLnext |
Right hand side | <Plug>(qf_loc_next) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>QfLprevious |
Right hand side | <Plug>(qf_loc_previous) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>QfCnext |
Right hand side | <Plug>(qf_qf_next) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>QfCprevious |
Right hand side | <Plug>(qf_qf_previous) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>GitGutterPreviewHunk |
Right hand side | :call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map <lt>Plug>GitGutterPreviewHunk to <lt>Plug>(GitGutterPreviewHunk)')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterPreviewHunk) |
Right hand side | :GitGutterPreviewHunk<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>GitGutterUndoHunk |
Right hand side | :call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map <lt>Plug>GitGutterUndoHunk to <lt>Plug>(GitGutterUndoHunk)')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterUndoHunk) |
Right hand side | :GitGutterUndoHunk<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>GitGutterStageHunk |
Right hand side | :call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map <lt>Plug>GitGutterStageHunk to <lt>Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk)')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk) |
Right hand side | :GitGutterStageHunk<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>GitGutterPrevHunk |
Right hand side | &diff ? '[c' : ":\<C-U>call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map \<lt>Plug>GitGutterPrevHunk to \<lt>Plug>(GitGutterPrevHunk)')\<CR>" |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterPrevHunk) |
Right hand side | &diff ? '[c' : ":\<C-U>execute v:count1 . 'GitGutterPrevHunk'\<CR>" |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>GitGutterNextHunk |
Right hand side | &diff ? ']c' : ":\<C-U>call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map \<lt>Plug>GitGutterNextHunk to \<lt>Plug>(GitGutterNextHunk)')\<CR>" |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterNextHunk) |
Right hand side | &diff ? ']c' : ":\<C-U>execute v:count1 . 'GitGutterNextHunk'\<CR>" |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>fugitive: |
Right hand side |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>fugitive:y<C-G> |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call setreg(v:register, fugitive#Object(@%))<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserDotCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("DotCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserTitleKebabCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("TitleKebabCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserKebabCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("KebabCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserSpaceCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("SpaceCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserSentenceCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("SentenceCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserTitleCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("TitleCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserUpperCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("UpperCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserSnakeCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("SnakeCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserCamelCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("CamelCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserMixedCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#ActionSetup("MixedCase")<CR>g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(QuickScopeToggle) |
Right hand side | :call <SNR>82_toggle()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>PlenaryTestFile |
Right hand side | :lua require('plenary.test_harness').test_directory(vim.fn.expand("%:p"))<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call openbrowser#_keymap_smart_search('n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-search) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call openbrowser#_keymap_search('n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-open-incognito) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call openbrowser#_keymap_open('n', 0, ['--incognito'])<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-open) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call openbrowser#_keymap_open('n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-g#) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-g#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-g*) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-g*) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-#) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-*) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-*) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-N) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-N) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-n) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-n) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-g#) |
Right hand side | g# |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-g*) |
Right hand side | g* |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-#) |
Right hand side | # |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-*) |
Right hand side | * |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-N) |
Right hand side | N |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-n) |
Right hand side | n |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-2) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-3) |
Right hand side | is#auto_nohlsearch(3) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-2) |
Right hand side | is#auto_nohlsearch(2) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-1) |
Right hand side | is#auto_nohlsearch(1) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-scroll-b) |
Right hand side | is#scroll_count(0, @/) . 'Nzz' |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-scroll-f) |
Right hand side | is#scroll_count(1, @/) . 'nzz' |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(fzf-maps-n) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call fzf#vim#maps('n', 0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(fzf-normal) |
Right hand side |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(fzf-insert) |
Right hand side | i |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-repeat-back) |
Right hand side | clever_f#repeat(1) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-repeat-forward) |
Right hand side | clever_f#repeat(0) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-reset) |
Right hand side | clever_f#reset() |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-T) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('T') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-t) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('t') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-F) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('F') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-f) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('f') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ge |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('ge',v:count1,'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('e',v:count1,'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('b',v:count1,'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('w',v:count1,'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, '.P', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, '.P', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'P', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'P', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteGPlusRepeatAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, '.p', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, '.p', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'p', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'p', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPastePlusRepeatAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'U', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'U', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteUnjoinBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'u', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteUnjoinAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'u', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallUnjoinAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'Q', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'Q', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteQueriedBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'q', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteQueriedAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'q', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallQueriedAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'QB', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'QB', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteDelimitedBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'qb', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteDelimitedAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'qb', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteRecallDelimitedAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteJaggedBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteJaggedBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'B', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteJaggedBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteJaggedAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteJaggedAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'B', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteJaggedAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteSpacedBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteSpacedBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 's', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteSpacedBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteSpacedAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteSpacedAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 's', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteSpacedAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommentedBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommentedBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, '#', ']P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommentedBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommentedAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommentedAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, '#', ']p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommentedAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteShiftedBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteShiftedBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, '>', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteShiftedBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteShiftedAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteShiftedAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, '>', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteShiftedAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteLessIndentBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteLessIndentBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'n', ']P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteLessIndentBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteLessIndentAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteLessIndentAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'n', ']p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteLessIndentAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteMoreIndentBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteMoreIndentBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'm', ']P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteMoreIndentBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteMoreIndentAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteMoreIndentAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'm', ']p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteMoreIndentAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'l', ']P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'l', ']p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteIndentedAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaDoubleQuoteBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaDoubleQuoteBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, ',"', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaDoubleQuoteBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaDoubleQuoteAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaDoubleQuoteAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, ',"', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaDoubleQuoteAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaSingleQuoteBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaSingleQuoteBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, ',''', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaSingleQuoteBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaSingleQuoteAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaSingleQuoteAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, ',''', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaSingleQuoteAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, ',', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, ',', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCommaAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteBlockBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteBlockBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'b', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteBlockBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteBlockAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteBlockAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'b', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteBlockAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteLineBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteLineBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'l', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteLineBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteLineAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteLineAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'l', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteLineAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCharBefore |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCharBefore", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'c', 'P')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCharBefore", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>UnconditionalPasteCharAfter |
Right hand side | :<C-U>execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCharAfter", v:register)'|if v:register ==# "="| call UnconditionalPaste#HandleExprReg(getreg("="))|endif|call UnconditionalPaste#Paste(v:register, 'c', 'p')|silent! call repeat#set("\<lt>Plug>UnconditionalPasteCharAfter", UnconditionalPaste#GetCount())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterVisual |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call setline('.', getline('.'))|execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterVisual", v:register)'|call ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#SetRegister()|if ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#IsExprReg()| let g:ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister_expr = getreg('=')|endif|execute 'normal!' ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#VisualMode()|call ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#Visual("\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterVisual")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterLine |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call setline('.', getline('.'))|execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterLine", v:register)'|call ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#SetRegister()|if ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#IsExprReg()| let g:ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister_expr = getreg('=')|endif|execute 'normal! V' . v:count1 . "_\<lt>Esc>"|call ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#Visual("\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterLine")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call setline('.', getline('.'))|execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual", v:register)'|call ReplaceWithRegister#SetRegister()|if ReplaceWithRegister#IsExprReg()| let g:ReplaceWithRegister_expr = getreg('=')|endif|execute 'normal!' ReplaceWithRegister#VisualMode()|call ReplaceWithRegister#Operator('visual', "\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterLine |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call setline('.', getline('.'))|execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterLine", v:register)'|call ReplaceWithRegister#SetRegister()|if ReplaceWithRegister#IsExprReg()| let g:ReplaceWithRegister_expr = getreg('=')|endif|execute 'normal! V' . v:count1 . "_\<lt>Esc>"|call ReplaceWithRegister#Operator('visual', "\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterLine")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterExpressionSpecial |
Right hand side | :<C-U>let g:ReplaceWithRegister_expr = getreg('=')|execute 'normal!' v:count1 . '.'<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterOperator |
Right hand side | ReplaceWithRegister#OperatorExpression() |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>luasnip-expand-repeat |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>luasnip-delete-check |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise with count |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise_count) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle linewise with count |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_count) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle current block |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise_current) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle current line |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_current) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle linewise |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise) |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-P> |
Right hand side | :lua require('fuzzy').files('')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-W>j |
Right hand side | <C-W>5- |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-W>k |
Right hand side | <C-W>5+ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-W>h |
Right hand side | <C-W>5<lt> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-W>l |
Right hand side | <C-W>5> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-K> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require('Navigator').up()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-J> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require('Navigator').down()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-H> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require('Navigator').left()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Right> |
Right hand side | :lua require('lists').move('right')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Left> |
Right hand side | :lua require('lists').move('left')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Down> |
Right hand side | :lua require('lists').move('down')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Up> |
Right hand side | :lua require('lists').move('up')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <C-L> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require('Navigator').right()<CR> |
Visual mode keymaps
Description | |
Left hand side | rr |
Right hand side | :s/\v%V() |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Left hand side | # |
Right hand side | y?\V<C-R>"<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | % |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward) |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Left hand side | * |
Right hand side | y/\V<C-R>"<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <lt> |
Right hand side | <lt>gv |
Description | |
Left hand side | > |
Right hand side | >gv |
Description | |
Left hand side | @(targets) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call targets#do()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | A |
Right hand side | <Plug>(niceblock-A) |
Description | |
Left hand side | F |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-F) |
Description | |
Left hand side | H |
Right hand side | ^ |
Description | |
Left hand side | I |
Right hand side | <Plug>(niceblock-I) |
Description | |
Left hand side | J |
Right hand side | 5j |
Description | |
Left hand side | K |
Right hand side | 5k |
Description | |
Left hand side | L |
Right hand side | $ |
Description | |
Left hand side | N |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-N) |
Description | |
Left hand side | P |
Right hand side | '"_d"'.v:register.'P' |
Description | |
Left hand side | T |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-T) |
Description | |
Left hand side | [% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | \<lt>Space>T |
Right hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-tableize-delimiter) |
Description | |
Left hand side | \<lt>Space>tt |
Right hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-tableize) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | as |
Right hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-a) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ab |
Right hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-a) |
Description | |
Left hand side | aI |
Right hand side | :<C-U>cal <SNR>95_HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 1, 1, [line("'<lt>"), line("'>"), col("'<lt>"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv |
Description | |
Left hand side | ai |
Right hand side | :<C-U>cal <SNR>95_HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 0, 1, [line("'<lt>"), line("'>"), col("'<lt>"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv |
Description | |
Left hand side | a |
Right hand side | targets#e('o', 'a', 'a') |
Description | |
Left hand side | a% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject) |
Description | |
Left hand side | au |
Right hand side | :lua require"treesitter-unit".select(true)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | b |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b |
Description | |
Left hand side | e |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e |
Description | |
Left hand side | f |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-f) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gs. |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVDotCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsK |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVTitleKebabCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gs- |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVKebabCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsk |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVKebabCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gs |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVSpaceCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gss |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVSentenceCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gst |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVTitleCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsU |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVUpperCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsu |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVUpperCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gs_ |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVSnakeCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsc |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVCamelCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsp |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVMixedCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | gsm |
Right hand side | <Plug>CaserVMixedCase |
Description | |
Left hand side | g# |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-g#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | g* |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-g*) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gR |
Right hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterVisual |
Description | |
Left hand side | gr |
Right hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise (visual) |
Left hand side | gb |
Right hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise_visual) |
Description | Comment toggle linewise (visual) |
Left hand side | gc |
Right hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_visual) |
Description | |
Left hand side | g% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gI |
Right hand side | <Plug>(niceblock-gI) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gx |
Right hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ge |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ge |
Description | |
Left hand side | is |
Right hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-i) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ib |
Right hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-i) |
Description | |
Left hand side | iI |
Right hand side | :<C-U>cal <SNR>95_HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 1, [line("'<lt>"), line("'>"), col("'<lt>"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv |
Description | |
Left hand side | ii |
Right hand side | :<C-U>cal <SNR>95_HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 0, 1, [line("'<lt>"), line("'>"), col("'<lt>"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv |
Description | |
Left hand side | i |
Right hand side | targets#e('o', 'i', 'i') |
Description | |
Left hand side | iu |
Right hand side | :lua require"treesitter-unit".select()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | j |
Right hand side | v:count ? (v:count > 5 ? "m'" . v:count : '') . 'j' : 'gj' |
Description | |
Left hand side | k |
Right hand side | v:count ? (v:count > 5 ? "m'" . v:count : '') . 'k' : 'gk' |
Description | |
Left hand side | n |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-n) |
Description | |
Left hand side | sr |
Right hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-replace) |
Description | |
Left hand side | sd |
Right hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-delete) |
Description | |
Left hand side | sa |
Right hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-add) |
Description | |
Left hand side | t |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-t) |
Description | |
Left hand side | w |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-cell-text-object-i) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#TextObject(1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-cell-text-object-a) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#TextObject(0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-tableize-delimiter) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#TableizeByDelimiter()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-tableize) |
Right hand side | :Tableize<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-literal-query-a) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('x', 'a', {}, []) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-literal-query-i) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('x', 'i', {}, []) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-a) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('x', 'a') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-i) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('x', 'i') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-a) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#auto('x', 'a') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-i) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#auto('x', 'i') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-replace) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-delete) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-add) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-tag-a) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#t#at()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-tag-i) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#t#it()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-tagname-a) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#t#a()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-tagname-i) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#t#i()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-function-a) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#f#a('x')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-function-ap) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#f#ap('x')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-function-i) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#f#i('x')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-function-ip) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#f#ip('x')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Right hand side | g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace-visualrepeat) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#visualrepeat('replace')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete-visualrepeat) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#visualrepeat('delete')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add-visualrepeat) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#visualrepeat('add')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace-query1st) |
Right hand side | <Esc>:call operator#sandwich#query1st('replace', 'x')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add-query1st) |
Right hand side | <Esc>:call operator#sandwich#query1st('add', 'x')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace-pre) |
Right hand side | <Esc>:call operator#sandwich#prerequisite('replace', 'x')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete-pre) |
Right hand side | <Esc>:call operator#sandwich#prerequisite('delete', 'x')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add-pre) |
Right hand side | <Esc>:call operator#sandwich#prerequisite('add', 'x')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace-pre)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-gv)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete-pre)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-gv)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add-pre)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-gv)<Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(niceblock-A) |
Right hand side | niceblock#force_blockwise('A') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(niceblock-gI) |
Right hand side | niceblock#force_blockwise('gI') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(niceblock-I) |
Right hand side | niceblock#force_blockwise('I') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>GitGutterStageHunk |
Right hand side | :call gitgutter#utility#warn('Please change your map <lt>Plug>GitGutterStageHunk to <lt>Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk)')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterStageHunk) |
Right hand side | :GitGutterStageHunk<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterTextObjectOuterVisual) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterTextObjectInnerVisual) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVDotCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("DotCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVTitleKebabCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("TitleKebabCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVKebabCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("KebabCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVSpaceCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("SpaceCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVSentenceCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("SentenceCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVTitleCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("TitleCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVUpperCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("UpperCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVSnakeCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("SnakeCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVCamelCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("CamelCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CaserVMixedCase |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call caser#DoAction("MixedCase",visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(QuickScopeToggle) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call <SNR>82_toggle()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call openbrowser#_keymap_smart_search('v')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-search) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call openbrowser#_keymap_search('v')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-open-incognito) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call openbrowser#_keymap_open('v', 0, ['--incognito'])<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(openbrowser-open) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call openbrowser#_keymap_open('v')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-g#) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-g#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-g*) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-g*) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-#) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-*) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-*) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-N) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-N) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-n) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-n) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-g#) |
Right hand side | g# |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-g*) |
Right hand side | g* |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-#) |
Right hand side | # |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-*) |
Right hand side | * |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-N) |
Right hand side | N |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-n) |
Right hand side | n |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-2) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-3) |
Right hand side | is#auto_nohlsearch(3) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-2) |
Right hand side | is#auto_nohlsearch(2) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-1) |
Right hand side | is#auto_nohlsearch(1) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-scroll-b) |
Right hand side | is#scroll_count(0, @/) . 'Nzz' |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-scroll-f) |
Right hand side | is#scroll_count(1, @/) . 'nzz' |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(fzf-maps-x) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call fzf#vim#maps('x', 0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-repeat-back) |
Right hand side | clever_f#repeat(1) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-repeat-forward) |
Right hand side | clever_f#repeat(0) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-reset) |
Right hand side | clever_f#reset() |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-T) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('T') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-t) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('t') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-F) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('F') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-f) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('f') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ige |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('ge',v:count1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ie |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('e',v:count1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ib |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('b',v:count1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('w',v:count1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ge |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('ge',v:count1,'v')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('e',v:count1,'v')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('b',v:count1,'v')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('w',v:count1,'v')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterVisual |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call setline('.', getline('.'))|execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterVisual", v:register)'|call ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#SetRegister()|if ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#IsExprReg()| let g:ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister_expr = getreg('=')|endif|call ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister#Visual("\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithSameIndentRegisterVisual")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call setline('.', getline('.'))|execute 'silent! call repeat#setreg("\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual", v:register)'|call ReplaceWithRegister#SetRegister()|if ReplaceWithRegister#IsExprReg()| let g:ReplaceWithRegister_expr = getreg('=')|endif|call ReplaceWithRegister#Operator('visual', "\<lt>Plug>ReplaceWithRegisterVisual")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>luasnip-expand-repeat |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise (visual) |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise_visual) |
Right hand side | <Esc><Cmd>lua require("Comment.api").locked("toggle.blockwise")(vim.fn.visualmode())<CR> |
Description | Comment toggle linewise (visual) |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_visual) |
Right hand side | <Esc><Cmd>lua require("Comment.api").locked("toggle.linewise")(vim.fn.visualmode())<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward)o<Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR>m'gv`` |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR>m'gv`` |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'v')<CR>m'gv`` |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'v')<CR>:if col("''") != col("$") | exe ":normal! m'" | endif<CR>gv`` |
Operator mode keymaps
Description | |
Left hand side | # |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | % |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | * |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-*)N |
Description | |
Left hand side | @(targets) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call targets#do()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | A |
Right hand side | targets#e('o', 'A', 'A') |
Description | |
Left hand side | F |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-F) |
Description | |
Left hand side | H |
Right hand side | ^ |
Description | |
Left hand side | I |
Right hand side | targets#e('o', 'I', 'I') |
Description | |
Left hand side | L |
Right hand side | $ |
Description | |
Left hand side | N |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-N) |
Description | |
Left hand side | T |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-T) |
Description | |
Left hand side | [% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | as |
Right hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-a) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ab |
Right hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-a) |
Description | |
Left hand side | aI |
Right hand side | :<C-U>cal <SNR>95_HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 1, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | ai |
Right hand side | :<C-U>cal <SNR>95_HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 0, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | a |
Right hand side | targets#e('o', 'a', 'a') |
Description | |
Left hand side | au |
Right hand side | :<C-U>lua require"treesitter-unit".select(true)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | b |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b |
Description | |
Left hand side | e |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e |
Description | |
Left hand side | f |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-f) |
Description | |
Left hand side | g# |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-g#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | g% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | g* |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-g*)N |
Description | |
Left hand side | ge |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ge |
Description | |
Left hand side | is |
Right hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-i) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ib |
Right hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-i) |
Description | |
Left hand side | iI |
Right hand side | :<C-U>cal <SNR>95_HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | ii |
Right hand side | :<C-U>cal <SNR>95_HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 0, 0, [line("."), line("."), col("."), col(".")])<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | i |
Right hand side | targets#e('o', 'i', 'i') |
Description | |
Left hand side | iu |
Right hand side | :<C-U>lua require"treesitter-unit".select()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | n |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-n) |
Description | |
Left hand side | sa |
Right hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-add) |
Description | |
Left hand side | t |
Right hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-t) |
Description | |
Left hand side | w |
Right hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-cell-text-object-i) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#TextObject(1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(table-mode-cell-text-object-a) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#TextObject(0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-literal-query-a) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('o', 'a', {}, []) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-literal-query-i) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('o', 'i', {}, []) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-a) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('o', 'a') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-query-i) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#query('o', 'i') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-a) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#auto('o', 'a') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-auto-i) |
Right hand side | textobj#sandwich#auto('o', 'i') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(sandwich-add) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-tag-a) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#t#at()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-tag-i) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#t#it()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-tagname-a) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#t#a()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-tagname-i) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#t#i()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-function-a) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#f#a('o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-function-ap) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#f#ap('o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-function-i) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#f#i('o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(textobj-sandwich-function-ip) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call sandwich#magicchar#f#ip('o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Right hand side | g@ |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace-visualrepeat) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#visualrepeat('replace')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete-visualrepeat) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#visualrepeat('delete')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add-visualrepeat) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call operator#sandwich#visualrepeat('add')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-squash-count) |
Right hand side | operator#sandwich#squash_count() |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-release-count) |
Right hand side | operator#sandwich#release_count() |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-synchro-count) |
Right hand side | operator#sandwich#synchro_count() |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-replace) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-delete) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-add) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(operator-sandwich-g@) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterTextObjectOuterPending) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(GitGutterTextObjectInnerPending) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call gitgutter#hunk#text_object(1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-g#) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-g#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-g*) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-g*) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-#) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-#) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-*) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-*) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-N) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-N) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-n) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl)<Plug>(_is-n) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-g#) |
Right hand side | g# |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-g*) |
Right hand side | g* |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-#) |
Right hand side | # |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-*) |
Right hand side | * |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-N) |
Right hand side | N |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(_is-n) |
Right hand side | n |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-2) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-3) |
Right hand side | is#auto_nohlsearch(3) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-2) |
Right hand side | is#auto_nohlsearch(2) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-nohl-1) |
Right hand side | is#auto_nohlsearch(1) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-scroll-b) |
Right hand side | is#scroll_count(0, @/) . 'Nzz' |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(is-scroll-f) |
Right hand side | is#scroll_count(1, @/) . 'nzz' |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(fzf-maps-o) |
Right hand side | <C-C>:<C-U>call fzf#vim#maps('o', 0)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-repeat-back) |
Right hand side | clever_f#repeat(1) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-repeat-forward) |
Right hand side | clever_f#repeat(0) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-reset) |
Right hand side | clever_f#reset() |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-T) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('T') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-t) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('t') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-F) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('F') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(clever-f-f) |
Right hand side | clever_f#find_with('f') |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ige |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('ge',v:count1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ie |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('e',v:count1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ib |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('b',v:count1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_iw |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion('w',v:count1)<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_ge |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('ge',v:count1,'o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('e',v:count1,'o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('b',v:count1,'o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion('w',v:count1,'o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>luasnip-expand-repeat |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "o")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "o")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'o')<CR> |