Personal Neovim configuration of Rory Nesbitt, author of dotfyle-cli
- Install and initialize:
lazyman -w RNvim
- Configuration category: Personal
- Base configuration: Custom
- Plugin manager: Lazy
- Installation location:
Git repository
Dotfyle entry
Lazy managed plugins
RNvim Keymaps
Normal mode keymaps
Description | Remove trailing space |
Description | |
Left hand side | w |
Right hand side | <Cmd>%s/\s\+$//<CR> |
Description | Fuzzy Search |
Description | |
Left hand side | / |
Right hand side | |
Description | Jump to file |
Description | |
Left hand side | j |
Right hand side | <Cmd>Telescope find_files<CR> |
Description | Substitute File |
Description | |
Left hand side | S |
Right hand side | :%s//gI<Left><Left><Left> |
Description | Substitute Line |
Description | |
Left hand side | s |
Right hand side | :s/<C-R><C-W>//gI<Left><Left><Left> |
Description | File Browser |
Description | |
Left hand side | e |
Right hand side | <Cmd>edit .<CR> |
Description | New tab |
Description | |
Left hand side | c |
Right hand side | <Cmd>tabedit .<CR> |
Description | Neovim Terminal |
Description | |
Left hand side | <CR> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>vsp | terminal<CR> |
Description | Horizontal Split |
Description | |
Left hand side | h |
Right hand side | <Cmd>sp .<CR> |
Description | Vertical Split |
Description | |
Left hand side | v |
Right hand side | <Cmd>vsp .<CR> |
Description | Null-ls Info |
Description | |
Left hand side | ni |
Right hand side | <Cmd>NullLsInfo<CR> |
Description | Format Buffer |
Description | |
Left hand side | nf |
Right hand side | |
Description | Rename Object |
Description | |
Left hand side | r |
Right hand side | |
Description | Show References |
Description | |
Left hand side | lr |
Right hand side | <Cmd>Telescope lsp_references<CR> |
Description | Show Diagnostics |
Description | |
Left hand side | ll |
Right hand side | <Cmd>Telescope diagnostics<CR> |
Description | Code Actions |
Description | |
Left hand side | la |
Right hand side | |
Description | LSP Info |
Description | |
Left hand side | li |
Right hand side | <Cmd>LspInfo<CR> |
Description | Open Mason |
Description | |
Left hand side | m |
Right hand side | <Cmd>Mason<CR> |
Description | Zen Mode |
Description | |
Left hand side | z |
Right hand side | <Cmd>TZAtaraxis<CR> |
Description | Focus buffer |
Description | |
Left hand side | f |
Right hand side | <Cmd>TZFocus<CR> |
Description | [Hydra] Git |
Description | |
Left hand side | g |
Right hand side | |
Description | [Hydra] Telescope |
Description | |
Left hand side | t |
Right hand side | |
Description | [Hydra] Debugging |
Description | |
Left hand side | d |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | "" |
Right hand side | zto""""""<Esc><Left><Left>i |
Left hand side | % |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward) |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Description | |
Left hand side | & |
Right hand side | :&&<CR> |
Description | Change colourscheme |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,cc |
Right hand side | |
Description | Change wallpaper |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,cw |
Right hand side | |
Description | PASTE from Clipboard |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,P |
Right hand side | "+P |
Description | DELETE to Clipboard |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,D |
Right hand side | "+D |
Description | YANK to Clipboard |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,Y |
Right hand side | "+y$ |
Description | Paste from Clipboard |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,p |
Right hand side | "+p |
Description | Delete to Clipboard |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,d |
Right hand side | "+d |
Description | Yank to Clipboard |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,y |
Right hand side | "+y |
Description | [Hydra] Spellcheck |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,s |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | A |
Right hand side | zzA |
Left hand side | C |
Right hand side | zzC |
Left hand side | G |
Right hand side | Gzz |
Left hand side | I |
Right hand side | zzI |
Left hand side | K |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | N |
Right hand side | Nzz |
Left hand side | O |
Right hand side | zzO |
Left hand side | S |
Right hand side | zzS |
Left hand side | U |
Right hand side | <C-R> |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Description | |
Left hand side | Y |
Right hand side | y$ |
Description | Previous git hunk |
Description | |
Left hand side | [g |
Right hand side | |
Description | Previous |
Description | |
Left hand side | [d |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | [% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward) |
Description | Next git hunk |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]g |
Right hand side | |
Description | Next |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]d |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | ]% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward) |
Left hand side | a |
Right hand side | zza |
Left hand side | c |
Right hand side | zzc |
Description | Change a surrounding pair, putting replacements on new lines |
Description | |
Left hand side | cS |
Right hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-change-line) |
Description | Change a surrounding pair |
Description | |
Left hand side | cs |
Right hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-change) |
Description | Delete a surrounding pair |
Description | |
Left hand side | ds |
Right hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-delete) |
Description | GAHH |
Description | |
Left hand side | gh |
Right hand side | |
Description | Go to Implementation |
Description | |
Left hand side | gi |
Right hand side | |
Description | Go to Declaration |
Description | |
Left hand side | gD |
Right hand side | |
Description | Go to Definition |
Description | |
Left hand side | gd |
Right hand side | gdzz |
Left hand side | gx |
Right hand side | <Plug>NetrwBrowseX |
Left hand side | g% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward) |
Left hand side | g<M-n> |
Right hand side | :call multiple_cursors#select_all("n", 0)<CR> |
Left hand side | g<C-N> |
Right hand side | :call multiple_cursors#new("n", 0)<CR> |
Description | Comment insert end of line |
Description | |
Left hand side | gcA |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment insert above |
Description | |
Left hand side | gcO |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment insert below |
Description | |
Left hand side | gco |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle current block |
Description | |
Left hand side | gbc |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle current line |
Description | |
Left hand side | gcc |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise |
Description | |
Left hand side | gb |
Right hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise) |
Description | Comment toggle linewise |
Description | |
Left hand side | gc |
Right hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise) |
Left hand side | i |
Right hand side | zzi |
Left hand side | n |
Right hand side | nzz |
Left hand side | o |
Right hand side | zzo |
Left hand side | qZ |
Right hand side | Z |
Left hand side | s |
Right hand side | zzs |
Description | Transparent Background |
Description | |
Left hand side | tb |
Right hand side | |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around the current line, on new lines (normal mode) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ySS |
Right hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-normal-cur-line) |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around a motion, on new lines (normal mode) |
Description | |
Left hand side | yS |
Right hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-normal-line) |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around the current line (normal mode) |
Description | |
Left hand side | yss |
Right hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-normal-cur) |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around a motion (normal mode) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ys |
Right hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-normal) |
Left hand side | { |
Right hand side | {zz |
Left hand side | } |
Right hand side | }zz |
Left hand side | <C-S-L> |
Right hand side | <C-W>L |
Left hand side | <C-S-K> |
Right hand side | <C-W>K |
Left hand side | <C-S-J> |
Right hand side | <C-W>J |
Left hand side | <C-S-H> |
Right hand side | <C-W>H |
Left hand side | <C-U> |
Right hand side | <C-U>zz |
Left hand side | <C-D> |
Right hand side | <C-D>zz |
Left hand side | <S-ScrollWheelUp> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>keepj norm! {<CR> |
Left hand side | <S-ScrollWheelDown> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>keepj norm! }<CR> |
Left hand side | <ScrollWheelRight> |
Right hand side | l |
Left hand side | <ScrollWheelUp> |
Right hand side | k |
Left hand side | <ScrollWheelDown> |
Right hand side | j |
Left hand side | <ScrollWheelLeft> |
Right hand side | h |
Left hand side | <2-RightMouse> |
Right hand side |
Left hand side | <RightMouse> |
Right hand side |
Left hand side | <Right> |
Right hand side |
Left hand side | <Left> |
Right hand side |
Left hand side | <Down> |
Right hand side |
Left hand side | <Up> |
Right hand side |
Left hand side | <Plug>NetrwBrowseX |
Right hand side | :call netrw#BrowseX(netrw#GX(),netrw#CheckIfRemote(netrw#GX()))<CR> |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR> |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR> |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'n')<CR> |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'n')<CR> |
Description | Move to previous reference |
Description | |
Left hand side | <M-p> |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <M-w> |
Right hand side | :silent VCoolIns ra<CR> |
Left hand side | <M-v> |
Right hand side | :silent VCoolIns h<CR> |
Left hand side | <M-r> |
Right hand side | :VCoolIns r<CR> |
Left hand side | <M-c> |
Right hand side | :VCoolor<CR> |
Left hand side | <M-h> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'tmux'.resize_left()<CR> |
Left hand side | <M-k> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'tmux'.resize_top()<CR> |
Left hand side | <M-l> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'tmux'.resize_right()<CR> |
Left hand side | <M-j> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'tmux'.resize_bottom()<CR> |
Left hand side | <C-J> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'tmux'.move_bottom()<CR> |
Left hand side | <C-H> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'tmux'.move_left()<CR> |
Left hand side | <C-K> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'tmux'.move_top()<CR> |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)r |
Right hand side | |
Description | Repeat fix for all instances |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)ra |
Right hand side | |
Description | Suggestions |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)s |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)u |
Right hand side | |
Description | Add as good |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)ag |
Right hand side | |
Description | Back |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)b |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)<Esc> |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)a |
Right hand side | |
Description | Add as bad |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)ab |
Right hand side | |
Description | Navigate |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)[ |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)] |
Right hand side | |
Description | Fix word Automatically |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)f |
Right hand side | |
Description | exit |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait)q |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra5_wait) |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)k |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)p |
Right hand side | |
Description | list all pickers |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)<CR> |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)t |
Right hand side | |
Description | search in file |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)/ |
Right hand side | |
Description | recently opened files |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)o |
Right hand side | |
Description | command-line history |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait); |
Right hand side | |
Description | execute command |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)c |
Right hand side | |
Description | search history |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)? |
Right hand side | |
Description | exit |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)q |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)g |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)b |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)f |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)<Esc> |
Right hand side | |
Description | vim help |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait)h |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra2_wait) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Repl |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)r |
Right hand side | |
Description | Continue |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)d |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)<Esc> |
Right hand side | |
Description | Conditional breakpoint |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)B |
Right hand side | |
Description | Step out |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)O |
Right hand side | |
Description | Log point |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)L |
Right hand side | |
Description | Breakpoint |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)b |
Right hand side | |
Description | Step into |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)n |
Right hand side | |
Description | exit |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)q |
Right hand side | |
Description | Step over |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait)N |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(Hydra1_wait) |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <M-n> |
Right hand side | :call multiple_cursors#select_all("n", 1)<CR> |
Left hand side | <C-N> |
Right hand side | :call multiple_cursors#new("n", 1)<CR> |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise with count |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise_count) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle linewise with count |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_count) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle current block |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise_current) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle current line |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_current) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Comment toggle linewise |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Change a surrounding pair, putting replacements on new lines |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-change-line) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Change a surrounding pair |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-change) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Delete a surrounding pair |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-delete) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around the current line, on new lines (normal mode) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-normal-cur-line) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around a motion, on new lines (normal mode) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-normal-line) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around the current line (normal mode) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-normal-cur) |
Right hand side | |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around a motion (normal mode) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-normal) |
Right hand side | |
Left hand side | <Plug>PlenaryTestFile |
Right hand side | :lua require('plenary.test_harness').test_directory(vim.fn.expand("%:p"))<CR> |
Left hand side | <C-L> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require'tmux'.move_right()<CR> |
Visual mode keymaps
Description | Remove trailing space |
Description | |
Left hand side | w |
Right hand side | <Cmd>s/\s\+$//<CR> |
Description | Substitute File |
Description | |
Left hand side | S |
Right hand side | :%s//gI<Left><Left><Left> |
Description | Substitute Line |
Description | |
Left hand side | s |
Right hand side | :s/<C-R><C-W>//gI<Left><Left><Left> |
Description | Format Buffer |
Description | |
Left hand side | nf |
Right hand side | |
Description | [Hydra] Git |
Description | |
Left hand side | g |
Right hand side | |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Description | |
Left hand side | # |
Right hand side | y?\V<C-R>"<CR> |
Left hand side | % |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward) |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Description | |
Left hand side | * |
Right hand side | y/\V<C-R>"<CR> |
Description | Paste from Clipboard |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,p |
Right hand side | "+p |
Description | Delete to Clipboard |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,d |
Right hand side | "+d |
Description | Yank to Clipboard |
Description | |
Left hand side | ,y |
Right hand side | "+y |
Left hand side | <lt> |
Right hand side | <lt>gv |
Left hand side | > |
Right hand side | >gv |
Left hand side | J |
Right hand side | :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv |
Left hand side | K |
Right hand side | :m '<lt>-2<CR>gv=gv |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around a visual selection |
Description | |
Left hand side | S |
Right hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-visual) |
Left hand side | [% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward) |
Left hand side | ]% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) |
Left hand side | a% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject) |
Left hand side | gx |
Right hand side | <Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis |
Left hand side | g% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward) |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around a visual selection, on new lines |
Description | |
Left hand side | gS |
Right hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-visual-line) |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise (visual) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gb |
Right hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise_visual) |
Description | Comment toggle linewise (visual) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gc |
Right hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_visual) |
Left hand side | g<M-n> |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call multiple_cursors#select_all("v", 0)<CR> |
Left hand side | g<C-N> |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call multiple_cursors#new("v", 0)<CR> |
Left hand side | p |
Right hand side | "_dP |
Left hand side | <S-ScrollWheelUp> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>keepj norm! {<CR> |
Left hand side | <S-ScrollWheelDown> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>keepj norm! }<CR> |
Left hand side | <ScrollWheelRight> |
Right hand side | l |
Left hand side | <ScrollWheelUp> |
Right hand side | k |
Left hand side | <ScrollWheelDown> |
Right hand side | j |
Left hand side | <ScrollWheelLeft> |
Right hand side | h |
Left hand side | <2-RightMouse> |
Right hand side |
Left hand side | <RightMouse> |
Right hand side |
Left hand side | <Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call netrw#BrowseXVis()<CR> |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward)o<Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR>m'gv`` |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR>m'gv`` |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'v')<CR>m'gv`` |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'v')<CR>:if col("''") != col("$") | exe ":normal! m'" | endif<CR>gv`` |
Left hand side | <M-i> |
Right hand side | |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around a visual selection, on new lines |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-visual-line) |
Right hand side | <Esc><Cmd>lua require'nvim-surround'.visual_surround({ line_mode = true })<CR> |
Description | Add a surrounding pair around a visual selection |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(nvim-surround-visual) |
Right hand side | <Esc><Cmd>lua require'nvim-surround'.visual_surround({ line_mode = false })<CR> |
Description | Comment toggle blockwise (visual) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_blockwise_visual) |
Right hand side | <Esc><Cmd>lua require("Comment.api").locked("toggle.blockwise")(vim.fn.visualmode())<CR> |
Description | Comment toggle linewise (visual) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(comment_toggle_linewise_visual) |
Right hand side | <Esc><Cmd>lua require("Comment.api").locked("toggle.linewise")(vim.fn.visualmode())<CR> |
Left hand side | <M-n> |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call multiple_cursors#select_all("v", 0)<CR> |
Left hand side | <C-N> |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call multiple_cursors#new("v", 0)<CR> |
Operator mode keymaps
Left hand side | % |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationForward) |
Left hand side | [% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiBackward) |
Left hand side | ]% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiForward) |
Left hand side | g% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationBackward) |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "o")<CR> |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "o")<CR> |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'o')<CR> |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'o')<CR> |
Left hand side | <M-i> |
Right hand side | |