A remarkably effective Neovim configuration in only one small file. The author’s video description of this config
- Install and initialize:
lazyman -w Simple
- Configuration category: Personal
- Base configuration: Custom
- Plugin manager: Packer
- Installation location:
Git repository
YouTube channel
Packer managed plugins
Simple Keymaps
Normal mode keymaps
Description | |
Left hand side | / |
Right hand side | <Cmd>set operatorfunc=CommentOperator<CR>g@ |
Description | [S]earch [D]iagnostics |
Left hand side | sd |
Right hand side | |
Description | [S]earch by [G]rep |
Left hand side | sg |
Right hand side | |
Description | [S]earch current [W]ord |
Left hand side | sw |
Right hand side | |
Description | [S]earch [H]elp |
Left hand side | sh |
Right hand side | |
Description | [S]earch [F]iles |
Left hand side | p |
Right hand side | |
Description | [/] Fuzzily search in current buffer |
Left hand side | f |
Right hand side | |
Description | [?] Find recently opened files |
Left hand side | ? |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | l |
Right hand side | :wincmd l<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | h |
Right hand side | :wincmd h<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | v |
Right hand side | :vsplit<CR><C-W>l |
Description | |
Left hand side | % |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward) |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Left hand side | & |
Right hand side | :&&<CR> |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Left hand side | Y |
Right hand side | y$ |
Description | |
Left hand side | [% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gx |
Right hand side | <Plug>NetrwBrowseX |
Description | |
Left hand side | g% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gcc |
Right hand side | <Cmd>set operatorfunc=CommentOperator<CR>g@l |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>PlenaryTestFile |
Right hand side | :lua require('plenary.test_harness').test_directory(vim.fn.expand("%:p"))<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>luasnip-expand-repeat |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>luasnip-delete-check |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>NetrwBrowseX |
Right hand side | :call netrw#BrowseX(netrw#GX(),netrw#CheckIfRemote(netrw#GX()))<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalMultiBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'n')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitNormalForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'n')<CR> |
Description | Toggle Terminal |
Left hand side | <M-j> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>execute v:count . "ToggleTerm"<CR> |
Description | [S]earch [F]iles |
Left hand side | <M-p> |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | <M-b> |
Right hand side | :Ex<CR> |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Left hand side | <C-L> |
Right hand side | <Cmd>nohlsearch|diffupdate|normal! <C-L><CR> |
Visual mode keymaps
Description | |
Left hand side | / |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call CommentOperator(visualmode())<CR> |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Left hand side | # |
Right hand side | y?\V<C-R>"<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | % |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward) |
Description | Nvim builtin |
Left hand side | * |
Right hand side | y/\V<C-R>"<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | [% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | a% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject) |
Description | |
Left hand side | gx |
Right hand side | <Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis |
Description | |
Left hand side | g% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ic |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require('nvim_comment').select_comment_chunk()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>luasnip-expand-repeat |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call netrw#BrowseXVis()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualTextObject) |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward)o<Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "n")<CR>m'gv`` |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualMultiBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "n")<CR>m'gv`` |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'v')<CR>m'gv`` |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitVisualForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'v')<CR>:if col("''") != col("$") | exe ":normal! m'" | endif<CR>gv`` |
Operator mode keymaps
Description | |
Left hand side | % |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | [% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ]% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiForward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | g% |
Right hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationBackward) |
Description | |
Left hand side | ic |
Right hand side | <Cmd>lua require('nvim_comment').select_comment_chunk()<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>luasnip-expand-repeat |
Right hand side | |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("W", "o")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationMultiBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#MultiMatch("bW", "o")<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationBackward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',0,'o')<CR> |
Description | |
Left hand side | <Plug>(MatchitOperationForward) |
Right hand side | :<C-U>call matchit#Match_wrapper('',1,'o')<CR> |