
Known Limitations and Troubleshooting

Known limitations

Interactive Neovim Configuration Initialization

Lazyman does not support automatic initialization of interactive configurations. If the initialization process is interactive, the auto initialization will hang. Some effort is made to detect an interactive initialization and avoid a hung process. For example, if the configuration includes the WakaTime metrics plugin and no WakaTime configuration is detected then the user is prompted before continuing. Other configurations that prompt for an example config are handled by Lazyman but some custom configurations not yet supported by Lazyman may hang during initialization if they prompt for input.

If the initialization process takes more than a few minutes it can be terminated with Ctrl-c. After termination the configuration can be manually initialized:

NVIM_APPNAME="<nvim dir>" nvim

External Configuration Dependencies

Neovim configurations often rely on external commands, utilities, language servers, formatters, linters, and tools. The Lazyman initialization process installs much of what might be required but not all. Some configurations may initialize cleanly but subsequent use might provoke an error when an external dependency is not available. For example, the Shuvro Neovim configuration relies upon an externally installed luacheck facility. If this is not available then Shuvro will emit an error message when opening lua files. Most commonly used external dependencies are installed by lazyman but missing dependencies sometimes occur.

Lazyman Neovim Configuration

The installation of some programming languages is left to the system administrator. In particular, lazyman does not install Go, Java, the Java Development Kit (JDK), Composer, PHP, or Julia. These may show up as warnings when performing a :checkhealth and can be installed manually if needed. Some additional tools can be installed with lazyman -I.

SSH users may need to install lemonade to support the clipboard over SSH.

If go is not installed or incorrectly configured then the Mason installs of goimports, gopls, and gofumpt will fail.

The dashboard-nvim dashboard may display the tabline after performing some dashboard actions.

Changing the configured dashboard from within Neovim via the Terminal display of the lazyman menu system will not take effect until a restart of Neovim.

Updating lazyman

An update of the Lazyman configuration and lazyman command can be performed with the command lazyman -U. However, early releases of Lazyman always preserve any existing ~/.config/nvim-Lazyman/lua/configuration.lua. Later releases of Lazyman include a different format for this file. When updating from an older Lazyman release it may be necessary to run the update twice.


Homebrew can be used to install Neovim dependencies and tools by using the -h switch to lazyman or by selecting Homebrew when prompted. Using Homebrew on some Linux systems has the advantage of providing more recent versions of some packages. However, the Homebrew python package will be installed as a dependency and will appear first in your PATH. This results in a system which no longer recognizes previously installed python modules in the system python. This issue has been reported to the Homebrew team but is unlikely to be addressed.

If you wish to use Homebrew and want to retain your existing python modules then the following manual process may suffice:

  • Locate the module paths the Homebrew python is using. For example:
    • /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/python3 -c 'import site; print(site.getsitepackages())' | tr -d '[],'
  • Locate the module paths the system python is using. For example:
    • /usr/bin/python3 -c 'import site; print(site.getsitepackages())' | tr -d '[],'
  • Append the system python module paths to PYTHONPATH with Homebrew’s first
  • Export the constructed PYTHONPATH environment variable in your shell init, e.g.
    • export PYTHONPATH="<colon separated list of paths>"

This Homebrew python module path issue is not a problem when using the native package manager to install dependencies and tools. This is the default.

Ubuntu 20.04

The version of luarocks in the Ubuntu 20.04 default repositories is no longer supported. If luarocks is required then it can be installed manually by following the instructions in the Luarocks documentation. This is not an issue when using Homebrew to install dependencies.

The binary distribution of the tree-sitter-cli npm package depends on GLIBC 2.32 but this is unavailable in this release of Ubuntu Linux. The tree-sitter command is not functional, disabling the :TSInstallFromGrammar command.

Alpine, SUSE, and Void Linux

Due to limited resources, very little testing has been performed on Alpine Linux, SUSE Linux, or Void Linux. Support for these platforms was recently introduced and issues are expected. If you encounter a problem on these platforms please open an issue.

Semantic token highlighting for types containing hyphens

Neovim 0.9 introduced semantic token highlighting but placed some restrictions on the format of semantic tokens. For example, if a filetype contains a hyphen then language servers may return semantic tokens that contain a hyphen and this will generate an error. This issue may cause some configurations to hang or display errors.

LaTeX configuration hangs on macOS

The LaTeX configuration is hanging on my Mac. It appears to work fine on Linux platforms. This is currently under investigation.


The most frequent type of issue encountered using lazyman to install and initialize Neovim configurations is incompatibility between the existing configuration and Neovim supported configuration parameters. Lazyman uses Neovim 0.9 which includes revised support for several Neovim features. Many existing Neovim configurations rely on features or configuration parameters no longer supported in Neovim 0.9.

For example, one of the most frequent issues initializing a Neovim configuration is the initialization error:

Parser not available for language "help"

The Treesitter help parser was renamed to vimdoc and help is no longer supported as a Treesitter parser. These types of changes are called “breaking changes” and will occur more frequently when using a recent Neovim build. To correct a Parser not available for language "help" initialization error, locate where in the configuration the Treesitter help parser is set (usually in the ensure_installed section of the Treesitter plugin configuration) and change help to vimdoc.

See the Neovim 0.9 release notes for an overview of changes. In particular, many of these types of issues are detailed in the news.txt for Neovim 0.9 (:help news within nvim).

This is life on the bleeding edge. However, all of the supported Lazyman Neovim configurations and most of the Personal Neovim configurations supported by lazyman do not have Neovim version incompatibilities.

Lazyman installation

The installation process requires Neovim 0.9 or later. If not present the install script will attempt to compile current Neovim from source. This step can fail for a variety of reasons. Most typically, the Neovim build failure is due to missing libraries, header files, or development environment components. To debug a failed Lazyman installation, first run the install script in debug mode to try and determine the cause of the failure:

lazyman -d

The lazyman -d command should run the install_neovim script in debug mode and any errors will be displayed. Alternatively, execute the Neovim install script directly with $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman/scripts/ -d and view the output for errors.

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